Country/Languages you speak:UAE/Dubai speak English and Arabic
Why I'd like to be GM:I would like to help UGG Staff team aswell as the players,I would gladly host events and try to help everyone also check up the forums always, I have been playing this server for a while since the old UGG "Euro gunz" have experience with gunz since 2007
How I wish to help:By checking the forums, helping different players on the off chance that they're in requirement for help, reply and take activities to all reports
Why do I deserve a chance:I think i deserve a chance because recently I don't see alot of GM online on my timezone like once in a while, and this is a new ordeal for me I would happily take it.
Who would vote for you & why: @tom and some other players in game they will support me, like I said new experience for me i wish the best .
Country/Languages you speak:UAE/Dubai speak English and Arabic
Why I'd like to be GM:I would like to help UGG Staff team aswell as the players,I would gladly host events and try to help everyone also check up the forums always, I have been playing this server for a while since the old UGG "Euro gunz" have experience with gunz since 2007
How I wish to help:By checking the forums, helping different players on the off chance that they're in requirement for help, reply and take activities to all reports
Why do I deserve a chance:I think i deserve a chance because recently I don't see alot of GM online on my timezone like once in a while, and this is a new ordeal for me I would happily take it.
Who would vote for you & why: @tom and some other players in game they will support me, like I said new experience for me i wish the best .