Hello, I'm Donard
I'm a skill mapper and I'm also taking a video of my skill map as a hobby and posting it on my YouTube channel.
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I'd appreciate it if you could subscribe.
I want UGG to develop more skills map.
If you're a user who's interested in skill maps and likes skill maps, you'll be more interested in skill maps.
ex) add a little more maps.Or add items for the skill mappers.
If you look at the equipment that Skill Mappers wear on YouTube, there are items that they often wear.
I hope they'll be added.
And I hope many events about skill maps are organizing
As a skill mapper, I think UGG is a little bit negligent in its development of skill maps.
I hope more attention about skill maps
Donard is pro skill mapper, famous in korea gunz
he from VT server
@castiel @michou
Hello, I'm Donard
I'm a skill mapper and I'm also taking a video of my skill map as a hobby and posting it on my YouTube channel.
Youtube Channel : You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.
I'd appreciate it if you could subscribe.
I want UGG to develop more skills map.
If you're a user who's interested in skill maps and likes skill maps, you'll be more interested in skill maps.
ex) add a little more maps.Or add items for the skill mappers.
If you look at the equipment that Skill Mappers wear on YouTube, there are items that they often wear.
I hope they'll be added.
And I hope many events about skill maps are organizing
As a skill mapper, I think UGG is a little bit negligent in its development of skill maps.
I hope more attention about skill maps
Donard is pro skill mapper, famous in korea gunz
he from VT server
@castiel @michou