Country/Languages you speak: Brasil Speak: Portuguese and English
Why I'd like to be GM: This is my wish for my 8 years of playing at Universe Gunz / EuroGunz. I've always been very attached to this Gunz, I know how to deal with people I'm already 21 years old, what I do best is to help people.
How I wish to help: I will contribute my time and dedication.
Why do I deserve a chance: I'm very dedicated in everything I do, I try to do my best to always deliver the best of myself, I've had experience with gunz for many years, so I deserve this chance.
Who would vote for you & why: @Nevoth. Vote for me: "I think Blaster will help a lot both in the team and with the players he is very competent".
@BluoN Vote for me, Bluon always tells me what's right, I met him when I became Advertiser and then I got to know him better one day he told me: "You have attitude."
Note: I am not much of words but of Attitudes.
Why I'd like to be GM: This is my wish for my 8 years of playing at Universe Gunz / EuroGunz. I've always been very attached to this Gunz, I know how to deal with people I'm already 21 years old, what I do best is to help people.
How I wish to help: I will contribute my time and dedication.
Why do I deserve a chance: I'm very dedicated in everything I do, I try to do my best to always deliver the best of myself, I've had experience with gunz for many years, so I deserve this chance.
Who would vote for you & why: @Nevoth. Vote for me: "I think Blaster will help a lot both in the team and with the players he is very competent".
@BluoN Vote for me, Bluon always tells me what's right, I met him when I became Advertiser and then I got to know him better one day he told me: "You have attitude."
Note: I am not much of words but of Attitudes.
"@Hatsune você é um lixo de pessoa"