12-26-2018, 05:20 PM
Country/Languages you speak: Brazil / English , Spanish , Japenese
Why I'd like to be GM: I have been helping the service for a long time. Also formerly I was staff staff which lasts more than 1 year being advertiser without missing my work I like to help people. and make events. new and exciting
How I wish to help: i will contribute 12 hours and support , dedications
Why do I deserve a chance: And always wanted the opportunity to show my ideas for events and help towards the server
Who would vote for you & why: @Angry @Adeliangeles @Uncommon @Helios @Viruz, They know me very well and I spent a lot of time on the staff staff as an advertiser. I always liked that range since it was something very easy for me but I got there once I wanted to try something new.
Why I'd like to be GM: I have been helping the service for a long time. Also formerly I was staff staff which lasts more than 1 year being advertiser without missing my work I like to help people. and make events. new and exciting
How I wish to help: i will contribute 12 hours and support , dedications
Why do I deserve a chance: And always wanted the opportunity to show my ideas for events and help towards the server
Who would vote for you & why: @Angry @Adeliangeles @Uncommon @Helios @Viruz, They know me very well and I spent a lot of time on the staff staff as an advertiser. I always liked that range since it was something very easy for me but I got there once I wanted to try something new.