Country/Languages you speak: listo
R:Spanish Portuguese Portuguese
Why I'd like to be GM: listo
R:I would like it because it is my dream since I started here in this small community that was growing to measure and spend time thanks to its good programmers designers among others. also that I had the opportunity to enter as. Advertiser I could see that it is a very good job but I wanted more and my goal was to get to Game Master creator of events well everyone knows that my work was always clean and good I took my falls but with help up .. I just ask for an opportunity like all
How I wish to help:
R:I can be connected depending on the schedule of my country that is venezuela and from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM since I work and that takes me a little time but ... I can also connect from my work and be aware of the server and forum at the same time I can also contribute many things since I am working with programming. or good I am open to any opportunity or help that they need
Why do I deserve a chance:
R: we all deserve an opportunity to be able to give the best of one in any job, mine would be game master since I have been able to share that position in different servers of Gunz and I have done very well. but you are what they decide and they put to the test many here they know me and they know that I am a person that likes to help and give the best
Who would vote for you & why:
R: I can assure you that the ones I will name can vote for me since I work with them in due time and they have time knowing me @Triwedix @Pls @Ouro @Helios @Michou @Kllaus @Fenn @Shon
Country/Languages you speak: listo
R:Spanish Portuguese Portuguese
Why I'd like to be GM: listo
R:I would like it because it is my dream since I started here in this small community that was growing to measure and spend time thanks to its good programmers designers among others. also that I had the opportunity to enter as. Advertiser I could see that it is a very good job but I wanted more and my goal was to get to Game Master creator of events well everyone knows that my work was always clean and good I took my falls but with help up .. I just ask for an opportunity like all
How I wish to help:
R:I can be connected depending on the schedule of my country that is venezuela and from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM since I work and that takes me a little time but ... I can also connect from my work and be aware of the server and forum at the same time I can also contribute many things since I am working with programming. or good I am open to any opportunity or help that they need
Why do I deserve a chance:
R: we all deserve an opportunity to be able to give the best of one in any job, mine would be game master since I have been able to share that position in different servers of Gunz and I have done very well. but you are what they decide and they put to the test many here they know me and they know that I am a person that likes to help and give the best
Who would vote for you & why:
R: I can assure you that the ones I will name can vote for me since I work with them in due time and they have time knowing me @Triwedix @Pls @Ouro @Helios @Michou @Kllaus @Fenn @Shon