Name: Krustty
Country/Languages you speak: Brazil - Portuguese, english, french, spanish, arabian, russian, polonish, etc.
Why I'd like to be GM: bcs i'm on vacations and have nothing to do (really)
How I wish to help: good question
Why do I deserve a chance: bcs i was the best GM ever
Who would vote for you & why: no one important, only @pls and @triwedix
ps: i'd rather be headstaff
Country/Languages you speak: Brazil - Portuguese, english, french, spanish, arabian, russian, polonish, etc.
Why I'd like to be GM: bcs i'm on vacations and have nothing to do (really)
How I wish to help: good question
Why do I deserve a chance: bcs i was the best GM ever
Who would vote for you & why: no one important, only @pls and @triwedix
ps: i'd rather be headstaff
Haters gonna hate