Name: Inkjecta
Country/Languages you speak: I'm from Portugal. I speak English,Portuguese (BR) and a little bit of Spanish.
Why I'd like to be GM: Want to be part of this community and be Tuga but with a Game Master role. xdxd
How I wish to help: I wish to help doing my role and giving advice to everyone as i can.
Why do I deserve a chance: I would like to support it and i'm very active. Never tried to apply it's my first time and i'm trying my luck.
Who would vote for you & why: I don't have any friends so i don't know.
Country/Languages you speak: I'm from Portugal. I speak English,Portuguese (BR) and a little bit of Spanish.
Why I'd like to be GM: Want to be part of this community and be Tuga but with a Game Master role. xdxd
How I wish to help: I wish to help doing my role and giving advice to everyone as i can.
Why do I deserve a chance: I would like to support it and i'm very active. Never tried to apply it's my first time and i'm trying my luck.
Who would vote for you & why: I don't have any friends so i don't know.