Los macros no dan tanta ventaja, aunque si es notable, el Gunz de espadas se basa más en posicionamiento, ángulos y tiempos que en spamear hits, y en el deathmatch no sirve sin una buena puntería, incluso el massive premium con mucho tiempo de disable y bugeado da más ventaja que un macro, pero de todas formas voto para que se prohíba, porque así es más divertido, aunque también vendria bien nerfear el massive premium y desbugearlo.
Macros don't give much advantage, although if it's remarkable, gladiator mode is based more on positioning, angles and times than on spamming hits, and in deathmatch it don't work without a good aim, even the premium massive with a long time of disabling and bugged gives more advantage than a macro, but anyway I vote for it to be banned, because it's more fun, although it would also be good to nerf the massive premium and debug it (flip bug).
Macros don't give much advantage, although if it's remarkable, gladiator mode is based more on positioning, angles and times than on spamming hits, and in deathmatch it don't work without a good aim, even the premium massive with a long time of disabling and bugged gives more advantage than a macro, but anyway I vote for it to be banned, because it's more fun, although it would also be good to nerf the massive premium and debug it (flip bug).