I'm here to announce the bracket UGG Summer Tournament. This will be a 4v4 Tournament, 32 Clans.
Quote:Day : 23/07/2016
Game 1 | Down 2 vs 6 SpecialForce - Mansion 12:00 PM
Game 2 | ramuK 3 vs 6 GolitFam - Mansion 12:25 PM
Game 3 | Alice 0 vs 6 Callum - Mansion 12:50 PM
Game 4 | Mellon 6 vs 2 Injury - Mansion 13:15 PM
Game 5 | Hebi vs W/O - Town 13:40 PM
Game 6 | JtapBroZ 6 vs 1 UniverCity - Town 14:05 PM
Game 7 | Devout 6 vs 1 NoobPz - Town 14:30 PM
Game 8 | Kappa vs Sicario - Town 14:55 PM
Game 9 | BarrioKing 6 vs 2 lnsec - Castle 15:20 PM
Game 10 | Rage vs Teka DQ - Castle 15:45 PM
Game 11 | Mangekyoul 1 vs 6 Heathens - Castle 16:10 PM
Game 12 | Bartui W/O vs Players - Castle 16:35 PM
Game 13 | Loled DQ vs JESUS FAZ BACKUP - BattleArena 17:00 PM
Game 14 | fch1randoms vs TheCrew W/O - BattleArena 17:25 PM
Game 15 | RadioOsawa 6 vs Astralis 3 - BattleArena 17:50 PM
Game 16 | MestreSplinter 6 vs Heros 4 - BattleArena 18:00 PM
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Day: 24/07/2016
Game 17 | MestreSplinter 9 vs 11 RadioOsawa - Garden 12:00 PM
Game 18 | fch1randoms 6 vs 1 JESUS FAZ BACKUP - Garden 12:30 PM
Game 19 | Players 2 vs 11 Heathens - Garden 13:00 PM
Game 20 | Rage 7 vs 11 BarrioKing - Garden 13:30 PM
Game 21 | -- vs Devout - Factory 14:00 PM
Game 22 | JtapBroZ 4 vs 11 Hebi - Factory 14:30 PM
Game 23 | Mellon W/O vs Callum - Factory 15:00 PM
Game 24 | GolitFam 4 vs 11 SpecialForce - Factory 15:30 PM
Game 25 | RadioOsawa 11 vs 9 fch1randoms - Port 16:00 PM
Game 26 | BarrioKing 3 vs 11 Heathens - Port 16:30 PM
Game 27 | Devout 2 vs 11 Hebi - Port 17:00 PM
Game 28 | SpecialForce 11 vs 5 Callum - Port 18:00 PM
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Day : 30/07/2016
Game 29 | RadioOsawa 9 / 10 / 6 vs Heathens 11 / 10/ 11 - Prision II, Lost Shrine, High_Haven 12:00 PM
Game 30 | Hebi vs SpecialForce - Dungeon, Port, Castle 13:00 PM
Game 31 Losers | Hebi vs RadioOsawa - Castle, High_Haven, Prision II, Port, Battle Arena 14:00 PM
Game 32 Winners | Heathens 3 / 7 / 8 vs SpecialForce 11 / 11 / 11 - Mansion, Town, Garden, Factory, Dungeon 15:00 PM
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1st PlaceClan - SpecialForce
2nd PlaceClan - Heathens
3rd PlaceClan - Hebi
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Game Details
Game Mode: Team Deathmatch 4vs4
• 10 Rounds til the Final / Finals will be a BO3 (Best of 3) each round in the final will be 20 rounds.
• First clan to win 6 Rounds will qualify for the next Round.
• Finals there will be 20 rounds so 11 have to be won.
• However if it happens to be a tie/draw (5-5 / 10-10) there will be an extra round that determines the winner.
• Donator or Event Items are NOT allowed. This is basically for making it able for players to participate who aren't able to donate / have no event coins to spend.
• Each Team will have to include 1 Player using Revolvers, it's a must to have 1 Player playing with Revolvers.
• Any form of Hack (this includes UCing) won't be tolerated, you and your team will be responsible to have legit players on your team. If that's not the case you will be disqualified.
• The Maps will be decided by staff.
• Egoing/Harassing other Players/Teams isn't allowed. If it occurs more than 2 times it will result in a disqualification.
• Any form of Spike/Force Lag/Force Spike, if not fixable will also result in a disqualification.
• You may only play for 1 Clan, playing for multiple Clans will result in you getting disqualified.
• If a player disconnects for whatever reason, the game will be paused for 5 Minutes. If he isn't able to come back the game will go on as a 4v3 he may join back once he manages to get back online.
• Staff Team Members aren't allowed to participate in the Tournament.
• Sharing your account/letting someone else playing for you isn't allowed and will result in being disqualified.
Item List
Swords: High-Class Sword, Devil Slayer, Golden Dragon Sword
Shotguns: Pioneer and Breaker 8
Meds: Lvl 50 HP/AP Bounty Meds
Revolvers: Dynax 800c x2 (lvl 54 Revolvers)
Rings: Weight Ring x2
Max Possible HP/AP: 127/101
As you noticed, there are 6 clans missing, the first 6 registered will be add to the tournament
![[Image: jzXSXPb.png]](http://i.imgur.com/jzXSXPb.png)
Torneio começará as 12:00 horário de brasília. 23/07/16
![[Image: Yu3DyPR.gif]](https://i.imgur.com/Yu3DyPR.gif)