Eu poderia ajudar com as minhas moedas? Eu já doou 02/01/17 e até agora não recebi nada eh não receber as moedas e insta-me se eles poderiam me ajudar?
Could they help me with my coins? I have already donated on 02/01/17 and until now I have received nothing, the coins do not arrive and urge me if they could help me?
UserID : brannysitox
Transação : You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. 1 feb 2017 09:31:27 PST
TOTAL: $ 40.00 = 400 COINS
Could they help me with my coins? I have already donated on 02/01/17 and until now I have received nothing, the coins do not arrive and urge me if they could help me?
UserID : brannysitox
Transação : You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. 1 feb 2017 09:31:27 PST
TOTAL: $ 40.00 = 400 COINS