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Duster v3 + My dash config
prefiro ate vc do que o retardado do farhat
kingfox for headstaff
[Image: om2wDAF.png]
[Image: ACWoPAT.png]
Thanks given by: iKingFox
(08-06-2017, 12:33 PM)Phanta Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.
(08-06-2017, 10:30 AM)Helios Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Lol who says you have to be a competitive player to be a staff member ?

Questers can be better staff than a 24/7 cw player.. really doesn't matter what you're into.
A waste to you but can you even finish the map ? lol skill mapping is real talent man stop dissing

What's the biggest issue with ugg?

Where does people hack?

What keeps gunz alive?
Clanwar/ tournaments

Now how does a noob detect any unlegit people if he has no idea about the movements and or hacks that people use nowadays.
Infact he'll end up banning people that are superior compared to him.

Competitive players in the other hand, know every movement and probably have seen every kind of hack.
So they know for a fact when someone is simply either godlike or a hacking scum. Not to mention people that are known and actually good at this game are also respected.

Nowadays every random get's to be a staff member, it'll make ugg look like a joke.

where the ***** is your common sense?

BS.. if you are oldgen as you say dashers made up 40% of the server followed by questers then clan war junkies..
MasterofDash - SkillmapKings - iDevilfans.. Clans having almost 200+ members
lol anyone can play cw that doesn't make them knowledgeable.

90% of staff are hired as rookies not knowing a thing about working a gunz server.. Some of the Greatest staff from the previous server to now started from having 0 knowledge..
Spotting hacks are so easy someone's grandparents can do it, you're making it seem as if it's difficult :v
Your stereotypical opinion of cw keeping a server alive when 200+ players are in free-channel 1 (not cwing) alone and 20% of players not showing up for the tourney date is point blank senseless

Having a staff based solely on cw players, leaves room for no one wanting to host events/ being able to have experience in giving support/fixing common bug issues

[Image: 9jWI76N.png]

[Image: bahamas.png][Image: canada.png][Image: dominican_republic.png][Image: brazil.png]
Underatted Is An Understament... They Tryin' To Test Greatness
Thanks given by: iKingFox
I only like it for including Joyner Lucas.
Thanks given by: iKingFox
this video gives me autism
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(08-06-2017, 02:35 PM)Helios Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.
(08-06-2017, 12:33 PM)Phanta Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.
(08-06-2017, 10:30 AM)Helios Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Lol who says you have to be a competitive player to be a staff member ?

Questers can be better staff than a 24/7 cw player.. really doesn't matter what you're into.
A waste to you but can you even finish the map ? lol skill mapping is real talent man stop dissing

What's the biggest issue with ugg?

Where does people hack?

What keeps gunz alive?
Clanwar/ tournaments

Now how does a noob detect any unlegit people if he has no idea about the movements and or hacks that people use nowadays.
Infact he'll end up banning people that are superior compared to him.

Competitive players in the other hand, know every movement and probably have seen every kind of hack.
So they know for a fact when someone is simply either godlike or a hacking scum. Not to mention people that are known and actually good at this game are also respected.

Nowadays every random get's to be a staff member, it'll make ugg look like a joke.

where the ***** is your common sense?

BS.. if you are oldgen as you say dashers made up 40% of the server followed by questers then clan war junkies..
MasterofDash - SkillmapKings - iDevilfans.. Clans having almost 200+ members
lol anyone can play cw that doesn't make them knowledgeable.

90% of staff are hired as rookies not knowing a thing about working a gunz server.. Some of the Greatest staff from the previous server to now started from having 0 knowledge..
Spotting hacks are so easy someone's grandparents can do it, you're making it seem as if it's difficult :v
Your stereotypical opinion of cw keeping a server alive when 200+ players are in free-channel 1 (not cwing) alone and 20% of players not showing up for the tourney date is point blank senseless

Having a staff based solely on cw players, leaves room for no one wanting to host events/ being able to have experience in giving support/fixing common bug issues

40% of the players are 'dashers'?  LOL
I give up.
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From eurogunz... + questers

Posts removed.
Strayed away from the threads purpose

[Image: 9jWI76N.png]

[Image: bahamas.png][Image: canada.png][Image: dominican_republic.png][Image: brazil.png]
Underatted Is An Understament... They Tryin' To Test Greatness
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damn bro i miss the time we used to make video's with @Michou and the others..
[Image: GAZEL_FINAL.jpg]
Thanks given by: iKingFox
(08-06-2017, 10:48 AM)Seb Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.
(08-06-2017, 10:30 AM)Helios Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Lol who says you have to be a competitive player to be a staff member ?

Questers can be better staff than a 24/7 cw player.. really doesn't matter what you're into.
A waste to you but can you even finish the map ? lol skill mapping is real talent man stop dissing

sim, server ta full de questers doentes

fenn, tj, kllaus, burger king, dildo luiz, etc

[Image: RGztrpM_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium]
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nice dash Kappa
[Image: of3mrt.png]
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Omg, nice video bro and good edition. I liked
                                     [Image: 5siqQ73.gif]
Haters gonna hate
Thanks given by: iKingFox

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