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Event 3v3 Feb Tournament Anti lead
Tourenament 3v3 on the 10/02/2018
Sign up will close on 9/02/2018

- Any form of Hacking or Cheating won't be tolerated, you and your team are responsible to have legit players in their lineup, if that's not the case the entire team will be disqualified.
- The Maps will be decided by the Staff team.
- Donator and Event items are not allowed. Only Event Meds are allowed from the Premium Store.
- Only Shotguns are allowed in this Tournament.
- Egoing/Harassing other Players/Teams isn't allowed. If it occurs more than 2 times it will result in a disqualification.
- Any form of Spike/Force Lag/Force Spike, if it occurs several times and no action will be taken to fix it, you will be kicked from the room, if it occurs in several rounds, the player is disqualified from playing more rounds.
- You may only play for 1 Clan, playing for multiple Clans will result in you getting disqualified.
- One Substitute player per team is allowed.
- If a player gets disconnected during a game, the game will pause for several minutes, if the player doesn't come back the Substitute might play or it goes on as a 3v2
- Staff Team Members aren't allowed to participate in the Tournament.
- Sharing your account/letting someone else play for you isn't allowed and will result in being disqualified.
- Using the wrong Items/Equipment will also lead to a DQ, we are strict in this tournament due to previous times players using 10 dmg shotguns for several rounds.
- Excessive camping isn't allowed, you will be warned In-game if you continue to camp after several warnings you will be disqualified.
- Maps I will pick them before the match starts randomly from: Castle, factory, Town, Battle arena

- If you are more than 15 mins late you will be temp banned for the number of mins you were late by 2Days. So 2 days per min.

Item list
- Sgs: pionner/breaker9se/breaker10 and event ocean shotgun are allowed only.
- Max hp: 160 ap:160 (you can get close to this layout by using 1skill ring and 1 master ring)
- Sowrds: devil slayer, high class, dark karma, high class, adventure long sowrd
- Meds: anything below lvl 60 meds is allowed apart from vails and repair kits
- Granades are not allowed

Sign up format:
Clan Name:
Team Captain:
Player 1:
Player 2:

The prizes will be anounced shortly
credits to ken for pretty much everyword in this thread i copied and pasted Big Grin @Scythez

Tourenament 3v3 el 10/02/2018
La inscripción se cerrará el 9/02/2018

- No se tolerará ninguna forma de hack o trampa, ustedes (su equipo) son responsables de tener jugadores legítimos en su alineación, si ese no es el caso, todo el equipo será descalificado.
- Los Mapas serán decididos por el staff.
- Donor y itens de eventos no están permitidos. Solo los meds de eventos están permitidos desde la tienda de donor.
- Solo se permiten shotguns en este torneo.
- Peleando / Molestando a otros jugadores /equipos con ego no está permitido. Si ocurre más de 2 veces, resultará en una descalificación.
- Cualquier forma de Spike / Force Lag / Force Spike, si ocurre varias veces y no se tomarán medidas para arreglarlo, sera expulsado de la sala, si ocurre en varias rondas, el jugador queda descalificado para jugar más rondas .
- Solo puedes jugar para 1 clan, jugar con múltiples clanes resultará en que te descalifiquen.
- Puedes tener un jugador sustituto.
- Si un jugador se desconecta durante un juego, el juego se detendrá durante varios minutos; si el jugador no regresa, el Sustituto podría jugar o vas a continuar como  3v2.
- Los miembros del staff no pueden participar en el torneo.
- Compartir su cuenta/dejar que otra persona juegue para ti no está prohibido y resultará en descalificación.
- Usar elementos/equipos(itens) incorrectos también dará lugar a un descalificación, somos estrictos en este torneo debido a los jugadores de tiempos anteriores que usaron shotguns/bks de 10 dmg durante varias rondas.
- No se permite campar excesivamente, será avisado en el juego. Si continúa campando después de varias avisos, será descalificado.
- Maps Los seleccionado antes de que el partido comience aleatoriamente desde: Castle, factory, Town, Battle arena

- Si llegas tarde (despues de 15 min), su cuenta sera prohibido temporalmentepor por el número de minutos que tardó en aparecer (max 2Days. Entonces 2 días por minuto.

Lista de itens
- Sgs: breaker9se / breaker10 y event ocean shotgun están permitidos solamente.
- Max hp: 160 ap: 160 (puede acercarse a este diseño utilizando 1 'skill ring' y 1 'master ring')
- Espadas:  devil slayer, high class, dark karma
- Meds: se permite cualquier cosa debajo de los med lvl 60 aparte de vial y kits de reparación (hp/ap vial)
- Granadas/Bombas estan prohibidos

Formato de registro:
Nombre del clan:
Capitán del equipo:
Jugador 1:
Jugador 2:

Los premios serán anunciados pronto
Thanks given by: Scarecrow , Hatsune , Optic , noobvice , DJEEP , Kawan_Zika , Cursor , Eudora
Clan Name: mecmecmec
Team Captain: Marujo
Player 1: Mashira
Player 2: Random
Sub: Hust
Thanks given by: Spear , Sol , Hust , noobvice , Mashira , God-Banana
Team: Diertjes
Teamcaptain: Eland
Player 2:Giraf
Player 3:Olifant
Sub: Krokodil

Ps: @Scythez Nice spanish ????‍♂️
Thanks given by: noobvice
Clan: Reformed
Teamcaptain: Ebola
Player 2: Darker
Player 3: God-Banana
Sub: Mashira ( we need a sofa warmer Smile )
 [Image: FE5EAD780C8402D62F62F995A1CADBBC008A2F55]
Thanks given by: noobvice
Team Captain:Kyouya
Player 1: Denny
Player 2:Etgas
Thanks given by:
Clan Name: -
Team Captain: Baine
Player 1: droptheworld
Player 2: Aefond
Sub: LegendFear

EDIT: No tournament for us.
Thanks given by: Spear , Tuga , Optic , noobvice , DJEEP , Eudora , Myster
(01-09-2018, 05:07 AM)Lars Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Clan: Reformed
Teamcaptain: Ebola
Player 2: Darker
Player 3: Mashira
Sub: God-Banana

@pls I think we found a wining team right here
Thanks given by: noobvice
(01-09-2018, 08:05 AM)Spear Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.
(01-09-2018, 05:07 AM)Lars Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Clan: Reformed
Teamcaptain: Ebola
Player 2: Darker
Player 3: Mashira
Sub: God-Banana

@pls I think we found a wining team right here

mashira does not even need team mates i dont understand why did he join a team tho.
Thanks given by: Spear , noobvice
I wonder which person will be banned for over 100 days because they showed up an hour late :^)
Thanks given by: Spear , noobvice
team: ohaaagi 
player1: thing1 
player2: thing2 
player3: kwaktap 
playersub: masamune
[Image: gvK5bIV.png]
Thanks given by: Optic , Lars , noobvice , DJEEP , Mudi , Eudora

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