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Closed Game Master Applications
1-  Name: Brian Prieto 
2-  Country: Perú.

3-  Country/Languages you speak: English and Spanish a little portuguese. 

4-  Why I'd like to be GM: I would like to be a GM to collaborate, help, learn and be a better person in the game ... I have some experience and I am a very active person in the game.
I will give the best of me to be part of the staff, I will collaborate in everything I can to make this community much better than it already is.

5-  How I wish to help:  I want to help in everything I can, both in the forum and in the game, I would help in everything that is within my reach to make this community the best, I would contribute ideas, I would be active in the game to see that all is well and everyone to play honestly.

6-  Why do I deserve a chance: I would like to be one to experience this great adventure and participate as part of your community, I will give my best to do my best work, be a better person, helping and collaborating

7-  Who would vote for you & why: I think that since we have all made friends and enemies, in my case I have many friends that I would like to be part of the community, I know Uxie, ZunayZ, Nevoth and many other people on the server.
I would very much like to be part of this great community.
Thanks given by: Allan , Prangsta , EUB , Nevoth. , TJJ , Inkjecta , Tuga , Frugos
NAME: Chappie (Brando Lee)

COUNTRY/LANGUAGES YOU SPEAK: Soy de Perú, hablo Ingles y Español

WHY I'D LIKE TO BE GM: Me gustaria ser GM porque me gustaria apoyar mucho al juego de todos los aspectos, para apoyar a los todos los jugadores que tengan problemas acerca del juego, tambien tengo todas las habilidades para ser GM, soy 100% responsable en las cosas que me dan para trabajar, como pueden mirar en el tema de adv siempre hago todos los trabajos correctos y de buena maneras, y estoy de acuerdo con dar una mano a la comunidad del juego y en los foros, y por ultimo casi siempre paro mas de 5horas en el juego.

HOW I WISH TO HELP: Yo deseo ayudar haciendo full eventos en el juego (ya que veo que los jugadores paran esperando eventos), tambien ayudando en el tema de informes en el juego de manera correcta y en lo general apoyando a todos los jugadores si tienen problemas, tambien ayudando a mis compañeros en todo y siendo responsable en cada trabajo que me toque.

WHY DO I DESERVE A CHANCE: Creo que deberia tener una oportunidad en el juego porque soy 100% responsable, soy un jugador conocido en el juego ''Chappie''. casi siempre paro mas de 5horas en el juego, tambien me gustaria ayudar a los jugadores con cualquier problema y si animen a traer mas jugadores de otros juegos, y asi crecer con el juego, dando apoyo de manera general a todos y haciendo eventos de todo tipo para que se diviertan los jugadores.

WHO WOULD VOTE FOR YOU Y WHY: Creo que muchos amigos mios botarian por mi, varios advertisers o gms que conozco como Uxie, Creetor, Tom, Zunayz, Nevoth, EUBlaster, Angry, Hatsune, Lasb, ZIL y muchos mas que no es necesario mencionas a todos, ellos botarian por mi porque saben lo leal que soy en el juego, algunos tambien porque sabe que soy 100% responsable(en el caso de Tom cuando era Head Adv la primera vez que hablamos yo le prometi ser responsable siempre y hoy en dia lo eh mostrado y sabe lo mucho que puedo dar), tambien botarion porque soy una persona seria y saben lo mucho que podria apoyar al juego.

- MySharona (Joe)

Country/Languages you speak:
- English, Spanish, and Tagalog (Filipino language)

Why I'd like to be GM:
- I've met a lot of new people through this server. Kind, honest people that I consider to be my real friends and that I talk to every day now no matter the timezone, language, or country. If selected, I want to give back to the community that gave me the opportunity to meet these amazing people and friends.

How I wish to help:
- If applicable I would want to help this server become more "user/new player" friendly. I've seen so many instances where new players will join this server and then be deterred/lose interest because of egotists and all-around impatient people and players. This server consists mainly of veteran players and I think that's amazing, but we should also be looking to new generations to help this server, and not be trying to scare them away with bad mannerisms.

Why do I deserve a chance:
- I've played GunZ for years, as well as survived the Hell that is college and the adult working world. What I've learned from all these experience is that all work and no play is no way to live at all. With all these experiences, I've learned that one of the most important things in life is the concept of "Patience" which I believe is my best quality as well  as empathy.

Who would vote for you & why:
- @Michou, @Lasbxd, @Angry , and @Jikali  because they're just a few people that have witnessed first hand how much I truly do love and care about this game and server. This server gave me some of the best people I've ever met in life, and I wish to give back x10 fold
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