I understand that the old database could not be recovered....
however I have evidence of my donations, and my transaction receipts ..
However, I don't ask for my donations back, I only ask for my hacked account to be returned. That way there will be no problem when verifying that it is really my account and I will be able to return to the community after years of retirement since I was hacked, please help...!
mi old acc:
UserID: xter123
Cuál es el problema relacionado con su cuenta:
my account was HACKED
Qué has intentado resolver el problema:
nothing has been solved
Cuál es su método de pago: paypal
My new email to add my acc: [email protected]
E-mail Used in the Payment: [email protected]
Transaction ID (Ref # number) : 0XT54407DN0006403
73P89005ND2236719 44A198817Y8516545 9M694036KJ0453436 2KF06083SF4006614 14P19429JK209853F 5VH68391M8738874N 0SJ93391JK3300054 3JU0522034241641P 1PT08901D7746200R 19B6951573693803B 2C133949BU305652G 5B305097MA7059120 85Y45694575996806 52C34371GC467662T 5K955859HJ599211E 8B2519432G2273646 34324004PU338271K 4MV57213011050603 3DC0562103103691K 0EX82731YH1442126 5FW86056GJ127404R 8A61929999937545R 9S497086RU860261R 7AS32732HP769725F 2CW40395EU647402U 5X953358YU6269627 1K3721253J096882C 48U522543H586782C 08C3192243530013L 41L32413SR311654J
Amount in Euros : 270
Fecha de la Transacción: 2012
help please..!!
however I have evidence of my donations, and my transaction receipts ..
However, I don't ask for my donations back, I only ask for my hacked account to be returned. That way there will be no problem when verifying that it is really my account and I will be able to return to the community after years of retirement since I was hacked, please help...!
mi old acc:
UserID: xter123
Cuál es el problema relacionado con su cuenta:
my account was HACKED
Qué has intentado resolver el problema:
nothing has been solved
Cuál es su método de pago: paypal
My new email to add my acc: [email protected]
E-mail Used in the Payment: [email protected]
Transaction ID (Ref # number) : 0XT54407DN0006403
73P89005ND2236719 44A198817Y8516545 9M694036KJ0453436 2KF06083SF4006614 14P19429JK209853F 5VH68391M8738874N 0SJ93391JK3300054 3JU0522034241641P 1PT08901D7746200R 19B6951573693803B 2C133949BU305652G 5B305097MA7059120 85Y45694575996806 52C34371GC467662T 5K955859HJ599211E 8B2519432G2273646 34324004PU338271K 4MV57213011050603 3DC0562103103691K 0EX82731YH1442126 5FW86056GJ127404R 8A61929999937545R 9S497086RU860261R 7AS32732HP769725F 2CW40395EU647402U 5X953358YU6269627 1K3721253J096882C 48U522543H586782C 08C3192243530013L 41L32413SR311654J
Amount in Euros : 270
Fecha de la Transacción: 2012
help please..!!
What's your payment method: paypal
What email have you donated to: [email protected] ( ya no tengo el correo me lo hackearon con todo y correo pero tengo los id de transacciones que consegui con mi cuenta paypal)
Transaction IDs: ( los tengo en mi cuenta paypal los envio con gusto)
Transaction date: ( tambien los tengo)
ScreenShots: ( puedo enviarle mi targeta de identificacion INE o acta de nacimiento, a esa cuenta estaba el nombre de Luis Leon y puedo comprobar que soy yo.
Tengo mucho tiempo retirado, pero quiero volver, me retire desde que me hackearon. mi intencion es volver de nuevo a la comunidad si pueden ayudarme a recuperar mi cuenta, yo estoy a disposicion de
aportar cualquier informacion necesaria para que confirmen que es mi cuenta de verdad.
de antemano muchas gracias.