Due to the amount of users ingame who are unable or unaware to create a forum account.
I have taken my time to create this thread topic to aid all users in doubt/need of assistance.
Bear in mind this tutorial is mainly created for users who are not able to bypass the "Security Question".
- Once you have entered our forums. Click on .
- After your page is done loading our forums term of service will be displayed. Once you have read and agree to abide by the following. Click I Agree
- You are now redirected to the registration page where you are required to place your new account credentials.
- Ensure you enter your account info correctly.
- When arriving the image verification section. Type and/or insert the following letters and number text seen.
- If the text provided in the image is difficult to read select the Refresh button, this can be done until you find one that is most readable/suits you.
Time Zone: Select the time zone where you live.
Daylight Saving Time Correction: Select Automatically detect DST Time (recommended).
Side notes: If you are having any complications feel free to add/contact our Game Master @Helios on skype for further assistance.
Helios' Skype: ochxcincx
Thanks to @Helios for helping me create this thread topic.
Universe Gunz Staff