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@Pls.. It's seriously common sense, like how are you being serious.... Island, dungeon and ***** stairway? Wtf, are you high? All maps where kids don't even play "gladiator" they just flip and use Donator electric element to massive for a flip off of the map... Like you had to know before you did this, that was the most retarded thing on this server.. Like no one should have to come to you and tell you how dumb this is, you just know... We need ***** Battle Arena, Dojo and Town.. Regular "Gladiator" maps.. How are you even serious right now??
It's seriously common sense, like how dumb are  you play cw gladiator...
@Mashira, How about you get off my thread and stfu.. No one was talking to you kid. Mind your business child.
Which maps you would like to see?
Battle Arena, Port, Dojo, Town, Hall, Ruin anything without much of a chance to flip off of map... Stairway and Island and Dungeon, people are camping where there is an area with a fall point in the map so that they can flip you off and kill. They don't even want to play galdiator they want to match the match last 15 minutes for 1 cw byt camping and flipping with electric donator element. It's dumb.
Stfu you sound like a little *****.
Thanks for the feedback.
Yup. @Phanta stfu get off my thread. Go find some business of your own. K?
Saque el mapa Starways, es una porquería jugar ese mapa en CW GLADIATOR, todo flipeando, se hace monótono el juego y no te dan ganas  Dodgy
2017 gladiator cw... How are you even serious right now??
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