Spanish :
Nombre: Louis
PaÃs : Actualmente vivió en Perú
Porque me gustarÃa ser GM : Quiero ser GM porque entiendo muy bien el GunZ soy muy activo y ayudo a los nuevos usuarios,doy ayuda a los usuarios viajen Facebook y Skype siempre brindando un buen servicio para que ellos se sientan muy cómodos en él server.
Como deseo ayudar : Ayudaria a cuidar a server de la spam de los usuarios sobre algún server ajeno y reportando irregularidades en el forum también ayudarÃa en la integración de los nuevos usuarios.
¿Por qué me merezco una oportunidad?: Porqué soy muy competitivo y he demostrado que estoy ayudando al server en muchas cosas,además tengo una experiencia como GM y si me dan la oportunidad no les fallaré.
Mame : Louis
Country: Currently living in Peru
Because I would like to be GM: I want to be a GM because I understand GunZ very well. I am very active and help new users. I help users travel Facebook and Skype, always providing good service so they feel very comfortable on the server.
How I want to help: I ​​would help to take care of the server of the spam of the users on some external server and reporting irregularities in the forum would also help in the integration of the new users.
Why I deserve a chance?: Because I am very competitive and demonstrated that I am helping the server in many things, besides I have an experience like GM and if they give me the opportunity I will not fail them.
Portugués :
Nome: Louis
Country : Agora vivo en Perú
Porque eu gosto de ser GM: Eu quero ser GM porque eu entendo muito bem os GunZ Estou muito ativo e ajudar os novos usuários, dar ajuda os usuários que viajam Facebook e Skype sempre prestar um bom serviço para que eles se sentem muito confortáveis ​​no servidor.
Como eu quero ajudar: ajudar a cuidar dos usuários do servidor de spam em um servidor externo e comunicação de irregularidades no fórum também ajudaria na integração de novos usuários.
Porque eu mereço uma chance ?: Porque eu sou muito competitivo e demonstrei que estou ajudando o servidor em muitas coisas, além de ter uma experiência como a GM e se me derem a oportunidade, não vou falhá-lo
(03-14-2017, 10:49 PM)s1mple Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.jogava nas versões do Royal Gunz, Euro Gunz e agora Universe
Nick no royalgunz? o.O
(03-15-2017, 12:04 AM)Michou Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Name: Michel / Michou
Real michou?
GameMaster Application
Name : Itamar
My nicks : Natural , FlameThrower
Country : Israel
Language : Hebrew and English
Why I'd like to be GM :
I want to be GM because I saw a lot of people need help and I can help to them, Besides I actively when you sleeping. It would be very fun to me to helping people who need help. so really I want to prove people I can help them, and I most of the day in the game so i can quickly to answer to people who need help

How I wish to help :
I can to help with the most of the problems because I am a veteran in Gunz since 2008 when this server was called "Euro Gunz", so I know most of the possible problems and I know how to cope with them. I will continue to help people because I am a person who likes to help.
Why do I deserve a chance :
Really I think that everyone deserves a chance, some people have better qualities and I feel like I might be one of those people. Firstly I told you i am a veteran in Gunz since 2008 so I have the experience and the talent to cope with the most of the problems. Secondly I am active most of the day and even when I am not at home I am offline to the Forum through my phone so I can give a quick response to all questions of the players.
@Helios @Fenn
Name: Mateus
Country: Brazil
Why I'd like to be GM: Sou um fluente BR player no GunZ creio que 90% da comunidade me conhece, tenho 9/10 anos de experiência com esse game creio que serei um GM útil, quero ajudar essa comunidade a se reerguer vou dar o meu melhor se vocês me aprovarem pra esse cargo e também creio que é uma chance de se redimir e fazer uma boa ação por uns erros que cometi no passado, queria também passar minha experiência para os novos players e aprender com eles e também ensinar, sou um player bem ativo. Sei falar um pouco de inglês/espanhol, já fui advertiser no começo e provei que eu posso fazer um bom trabalho na equipe eu sei que raramente você tem uma segunda chance de causar uma ótima impressão mas eu não vou desistir mesmo se não me aceitarem vou continuar tentando e tentando quero provar pra eu mesmo que eu posso fazer isso. Pls mesmo sabe que nunca deixei ele na mão sempre quando ele precisou eu tava lá qualquer hora qualquer momento e tudo mais, creio que mereço essa chance mais do que qualquer um aqui.
How I wish to help: Sou um player paciente e prestativo em qualquer dúvida qualquer coisinha eu vou tá ali dando o máximo de mim pra dar um bom support para os players que necessitam o mesmo vou dar meu máximo para programar os melhores eventos que esse server já viu, sou muito experiente nesse game creio que isso pode ajudar também vou ajudar a divulgar não importa se eu for admitido pra outro cargo, vou ajudar os advertisers com as divulgações etc... Creio que serei um bom reforço pra Staff Team.
Why do I deserve a chance: Mais do que qualquer um eu mereço essa chance como eu disse eu cometi muitos erros no passado e nós aprendemos com os erros é hora de concertar tudo isso fazendo um bom trabalho e ajudando essa comunidade ao máximo, vou dar o melhor de mim prometo pra vocês, minha palavra não faz curva!
Name: Viruz
Country: Venezuela/ caracas
Languages: Spanish Little Portuguese and little English
Why I'd like to be GM:
Well I have a great experience when it comes to being a game master since my years as a player have given me the opportunity to get acquainted with what is gunz and its functions given to a great level of learning and research and great length of work I become a game teacher of different communities and we can say that given my experience since the age of 15 I have the happiness to say that I am 100% capaited for this beautiful position
How I wish to help:
Well nowadays I was Advertiser here that as much we know is to do the possible to bring User and use our imagination given to my beautiful opportunity here and grateful with the Staff we can say that I can help in different ways Well be through Games. Imagans we can say that small videos demonstrating the characteristics of the server and collaborating with the users wherever possible say that I am willing to provide a great apollo and continue to grow as a family that we are
Why do I deserve a chance:
In reality the opportunities are open for all I can not say that they give me ami knowing that there are more users wanting this great charge. The only thing I can say with my words is that the opportunities are for those users who have always been faithful that despite the lows of the gunz he stayed here helping that he is always helping that he happens connected in the gunz like in the forum a great time To get along with users who know that this range is not a game if not a Work and you have to have time for it
How much time do you have for our community
I have most of the time to attend to the community since the current time of my country is from 8 AM to 10 PM and I can help to be online in that great time
Well I'm not that good player but if I can teach new users who want to play and know that it's my little gunz and grab knowledge as a player so over time I'll learn more about gunz and its functions
Hacker detector
In my case the possibility of detecting a hacker is 60% since there are many types such as the NS. SB. UC. Which are the most famous but for that are my colleagues to teach me how to detect it and to know more about its functions
Events and creativity
In this case creating events or doing it for me is one of the most delicate things since you have to first put your functions to see that all the options are correct. Also this is the way to experience new events that in this case I know many who may like and I can also create new
I await your response
Well nothing more to say and I think they are the most important requirements of this post I say goodbye and I hope you have a good day and lots for everyone. Remember that having faith and being sincere is the greatest opportunity you will have for this position a greeting your friend Ricardo currently mind Viruz
pdt: Congratulations @Fenn
(03-15-2017, 02:17 AM)Pls Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. (03-14-2017, 10:49 PM)s1mple Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.jogava nas versões do Royal Gunz, Euro Gunz e agora Universe
Nick no royalgunz? o.O
(03-15-2017, 12:04 AM)Michou Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Name: Michel / Michou
Real michou?
Absolutely the real and original Michou that's always been on this server.
Name: Gazel
Country: The Netherlands
Why I'd like to be GM: Hello there... As you know i am Advertiser of THIS AMAZING GUNZ... and i want to be a GM because i dont feel that im doing enoug for this server..
i know of my self i can be an amazing gamemaster because i was one on other gunz... i want to help you guys make the best of it... i really can help you guys... The reason i became Advertiser
is because, im often online in the game. Im online like 7-8 hours a day. I play UGG since eurogunz so i know alot of gunz. I want to make this gunz play able for everyone and make them feel good and help them with anything they need. Alot of friends of mine play this gunz, i told them about UGG and they joined our team. I want UGG to be a big game, i want it to grow up. And i want to help you guys do that.
Why do I deserve a chance: I am online often in game. I know alot of Gunz. I want to help everyone. If they have a problem i want to solve them. I want to make this gunz the best gunz. But i can't do that at my own... I want to be a part of the UGG team and help you guys get the best as possible of this gunz. I want UGG to be a big game, i want it to grow up. And i want to help you guys do that.
How I wish to help: I can help you guys to make the best of it.. we have to do this with a team.. i am already part of the advertising team but i want to grow up and
do my best ever more! i want to help you guys get the best that's possible of gunz.. Also i speak 4 languages.. so i can be really helpfull for people that dont speak english but speak one of the launguages i speak.... i hope that i can be one of you guys and make this server the best it is..
Why do I deserve a chance: I deserve a chanse because im already an Advertiser and i am doing my job good.. i really want to help you guys to give some funny event and support and everything!
Also i speak 4 languages, that makes it easier to help people that dont speak english... i hope you guys give me a chanse to grow up with UGG! i can be really helpfull for the server!
I even would like to do the advertising work when im GameMaster! I hope you guys give me a chanse!
Languages: English/Dutch/Turkish/Swedish
Name: Jelle
Country: Netherlands
Why I'd like to be GM: I like to help players and I am very friendly. i have played this game for my entire life so i know about every little detail in the game. Being a GM lets me pass on that knowledge to other players, new and old. For my entire life I've been looking for ways to help people to be better persons and I think this opportunity might let me do just that. I'm very active in and out of game.
How I wish to help: I want people to enjoy the game. This means they have to be able to play the game without any problems. I would also like to create order in the game, meaning that i want to limit the flame. Of course I would like to host events as well, because I think events are great games to create a bond with the community. I'll even share my phone number with the players so I can be messaged or called when players have questions.
Why do I deserve a chance: As stated above, I've been playing the game for my entire life and I feel like I can make a difference here. I'll be open to feedback and do my best to be the GameMaster people want me to be.
Name: Luigi Villegas = NM: Jeannette/ Rio / Exp
Country: Born in Canada, Toronto. Living in NY, USA
Why I'd like to be GM: I'd like to help new users to enjoy the server and to have fun with the community.
How I wish to help: Teaching and helping users understand how this server works and what they can get out of it, which is mostly fun and entertainment.
Why do I deserve a chance: Well, I do not think anybody can deserve this chance but I am willing to learn new stuff and well, I do have experience with gunz.
A few years ego i was part of a project in the Spanish community Called UltimateGunz. Worked there for 2 years as a HeadMaster than quit because of their disorganization.
I do speak 2 languages. English, Spanish, and Portuguese (65%)
I am 25, and im currently a Computer science student at New York University.
Name: louigi
Country: israel
Why I'd like to be GM: i played gunz for 10 years id like to be a gm
How I wish to help: gunz is hard to get new players bcause they will find it weird... so im gonna help them understand the game and give them tutorials
Why do I deserve a chance: i can do every move in the game all styles .. and iknow alot about thegame out of 10 year experience