03-15-2017, 10:00 PM
In-Game Name:
Country & timezone:
UTC -5:00
How active are you?
Even though I'm in school full-time and usually work weekends, I mostly play in the evenings and around nighttime. Therefore;
Weekdays - 4+ hours per day
Weekends – 6+ Hours per day.
Forums are at my disposal all day and every day through either my iPad, Phone or computer therefore I'm fully capable of mobilising myself around the forum
Languages I know fluently:
(can somewhat understand spanish from classes and playing with the latin-american community for so long)
Do you meet all of the requirements?
Must be active in-game ✔. - 27 Hours minimal a week put into being online and being in-game.
a clean record ✔ – Never been banned for hacking/cheating or anything against the terms of use
A decent foundation of language ✔. - I try my best even when I don't understand.. proof of this is through my experience with a full team of spanish speakers on AG
A decent reputation among the community ✔ – Well known and respected player on gunz, made many friends; not just north americans but amongst the community (LA,EU,ASIA)
What experience do you have that could contribute towards being a GM:
The experience I hold as a GM is having served being a Game Moderator at ***** gunz in the past, with this I have an understanding on how the GMCP is operated as-well as what the GM protocol states when dealing with those who break the rules. Having knowledge around the control panel has allowed me to catch numerous of bypassers in the past, not only through their in-game activities but also their forum activities. I'm a team player as well as an individual, I can work not only alongside others on complex reports but also as my own person when it come's down to it, when not 100% sure about the decision that needs to made (mainly when it comes to "hacker reports") I'll take the time to investigate and try to replicate what the other user did in order to come to decision if it's possible legit or in fact actually unlegit.
The reason for applying the role of becoming a GM is because I feel that I'm right for the job, I have not only an understanding of what being a GM is all about but also I have drive and passion required that makes a GM, it's not about just coming online handling reports, it's about building relationships with the community not only in-game but also on the forums, understanding that you are there not to just handle those reports but also preventing those reports from occuring, GM's shouldn’t expect the community of Universe gunz to report a user so that they can be punished, GM's should also look for those breaking the rules themselves if it be by going into hide mode into multiple games, watching over clanwar logs to catch potential clan swapping... If not to punish users then to verbally make it clear that if they continue to do what they are doing will end up in a consequences of punishment.
As a GM, I'll set out to do all of the above. To provide Universe Gunz the attention and dedication that is required in order to have a clean and successful server. When dealing with those who break the rules, most certainly hackers I believe that everyone has the right to an appeal, a right to try and state their legitimacy as even GM's we are capable of mistakes, with this I will consider their points, then put forward my counter argument as to why I have deemed them unlegit if that being with certain moments of certain rounds and so on, then await for their response before finalising the appeals overall verdict.
What can you contribute to Universe Gamers Gunz?
Dedication, commitment, experience and love. Dedication to make Universe gunz the best server it can be. Commitment to the job, to achieve just that. Experience to help me through to that achievement. Love for the game and community amongst it, this game is something I've played for years and wish to carry on doing so, a community that I've spent the longest being apart of building multiple friendships with multiple of people.
However it's not all 'Work, work, work, work, work, work', I wish to provide a fun, easy going atmosphere for everyone here at Universe gunz. I do not know of any staff members who would 100% vouch for me therefore I shall not provide any. I wouldn’t wish for on vouchers alone for me to be accepted. I wish to be accepted because the team believes in everything I have put across in this application, but best of all to believe in me.
It gives me hope that there are members of the community out there who still believe in expanding and rebuilding the gunz community and that's enough to give me drive in building my reputation from the gutter if given the chance to do it that is. Call this a 'beg' or whatever you wish but anyone knows me fully, knows I'm being 100% genuine in this entire application. So I thank the staff for taking the time to read my application, as well as anyone who publicly views my application.
PS: I love you marcos
In-Game Name:
Country & timezone:
UTC -5:00
How active are you?
Even though I'm in school full-time and usually work weekends, I mostly play in the evenings and around nighttime. Therefore;
Weekdays - 4+ hours per day
Weekends – 6+ Hours per day.
Forums are at my disposal all day and every day through either my iPad, Phone or computer therefore I'm fully capable of mobilising myself around the forum
Languages I know fluently:
(can somewhat understand spanish from classes and playing with the latin-american community for so long)
Do you meet all of the requirements?
Must be active in-game ✔. - 27 Hours minimal a week put into being online and being in-game.
a clean record ✔ – Never been banned for hacking/cheating or anything against the terms of use
A decent foundation of language ✔. - I try my best even when I don't understand.. proof of this is through my experience with a full team of spanish speakers on AG
A decent reputation among the community ✔ – Well known and respected player on gunz, made many friends; not just north americans but amongst the community (LA,EU,ASIA)
What experience do you have that could contribute towards being a GM:
The experience I hold as a GM is having served being a Game Moderator at ***** gunz in the past, with this I have an understanding on how the GMCP is operated as-well as what the GM protocol states when dealing with those who break the rules. Having knowledge around the control panel has allowed me to catch numerous of bypassers in the past, not only through their in-game activities but also their forum activities. I'm a team player as well as an individual, I can work not only alongside others on complex reports but also as my own person when it come's down to it, when not 100% sure about the decision that needs to made (mainly when it comes to "hacker reports") I'll take the time to investigate and try to replicate what the other user did in order to come to decision if it's possible legit or in fact actually unlegit.
The reason for applying the role of becoming a GM is because I feel that I'm right for the job, I have not only an understanding of what being a GM is all about but also I have drive and passion required that makes a GM, it's not about just coming online handling reports, it's about building relationships with the community not only in-game but also on the forums, understanding that you are there not to just handle those reports but also preventing those reports from occuring, GM's shouldn’t expect the community of Universe gunz to report a user so that they can be punished, GM's should also look for those breaking the rules themselves if it be by going into hide mode into multiple games, watching over clanwar logs to catch potential clan swapping... If not to punish users then to verbally make it clear that if they continue to do what they are doing will end up in a consequences of punishment.
As a GM, I'll set out to do all of the above. To provide Universe Gunz the attention and dedication that is required in order to have a clean and successful server. When dealing with those who break the rules, most certainly hackers I believe that everyone has the right to an appeal, a right to try and state their legitimacy as even GM's we are capable of mistakes, with this I will consider their points, then put forward my counter argument as to why I have deemed them unlegit if that being with certain moments of certain rounds and so on, then await for their response before finalising the appeals overall verdict.
What can you contribute to Universe Gamers Gunz?
Dedication, commitment, experience and love. Dedication to make Universe gunz the best server it can be. Commitment to the job, to achieve just that. Experience to help me through to that achievement. Love for the game and community amongst it, this game is something I've played for years and wish to carry on doing so, a community that I've spent the longest being apart of building multiple friendships with multiple of people.
However it's not all 'Work, work, work, work, work, work', I wish to provide a fun, easy going atmosphere for everyone here at Universe gunz. I do not know of any staff members who would 100% vouch for me therefore I shall not provide any. I wouldn’t wish for on vouchers alone for me to be accepted. I wish to be accepted because the team believes in everything I have put across in this application, but best of all to believe in me.
It gives me hope that there are members of the community out there who still believe in expanding and rebuilding the gunz community and that's enough to give me drive in building my reputation from the gutter if given the chance to do it that is. Call this a 'beg' or whatever you wish but anyone knows me fully, knows I'm being 100% genuine in this entire application. So I thank the staff for taking the time to read my application, as well as anyone who publicly views my application.
PS: I love you marcos