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Full Version: Game mode suggestions
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(preciso de sugestões)
A cada 45 segundos você ganha uma arma nova, cada um luta com a mesma arma/espada ao mesmo tempo. Kills consecutivos, sem morrer, te dão +10hp. 

- A bandeira ficará localizada no meio do mapa. Capture a bandeira e sobreviva o maximo de tempo com ela. Quando o tempo da partida acabar ou o limite de kills for atingido, o jogador que ficou o maior tempo com a bandeira ganha.
*Vial está desativado para quem tem a bandeira (ou para todos os players)
*Não tem times.

(i need suggestions)
Every 45 seconds, you will get a new weapon, and everyone fights with the same gun/sword at the same time.  Consecutive kills without dying earns you +10hp
Name: Hunter
-The flag is placed in the middle of the map. Capture the flag and survive for as long as possible with flag. When the time is up or when the kill limit is reached, the player that had the flag for the longest time wins.
*Vial is disabled for whoever is in possession of the flag
*There are no teams
When the time is up or when the kill limit is reached, the winner is the one who has killed the most.

I tought the winner is who hold the flag the longest otherwise the flag is full *****
(04-10-2017, 03:17 AM)Lars Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.When the time is up or when the kill limit is reached, the winner is the one who has killed the most.

I tought the winner is who hold the flag the longest otherwise the flag is full *****

You're right, my mistake. Thx man
It's a good idea I like it but needs a few changes Wink But still could be on to something.
I agree with @TokerJoker !
do something as king of the hill idk lmao
Good suggestion

I liked 
Cool story bro
I agree, good sugestion Big Grin

Obrigado pela sua sugestão @Krustty. Acho que podemos pensar nisso para futuras atualizações com a aceitação do nosso proprietário. Particularmente gosto da ideia, porém acredito que podemos aprimorar mais.

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