Universe Board
What about adding new room tags?? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: What about adding new room tags?? (/thread-748.html)

What about adding new room tags?? - Foxino - 07-02-2016

Yo guys, I think the title says everything and for me i see that UGG at least need [IA] (infinity ammo) and [R] (instant reload) room tags. so what about making an official vote here in the forums to see if UGG players are really in need with these room tags or not ??

RE: What about adding new room tags?? - Phanta - 07-02-2016

God has spoken.

RE: What about adding new room tags?? - Rezia - 07-02-2016

put text /h

RE: What about adding new room tags?? - Helios - 07-02-2016

In my opinion i don't see infinite ammo/instant reload being added we are trying to be our own unique server not someones shadow/clone.
But then again its up to the developers, good luck.

RE: What about adding new room tags?? - Marionette - 07-02-2016

No, disagree.

RE: What about adding new room tags?? - Spells - 07-03-2016

No. No. No
Dont't want people to spam without having to reload and *****.
Theres a reason people like the originality of the game. Don't ruin it.
(FREE) is a great room tag. I wouldn't like to see any mew tags.

RE: What about adding new room tags?? - Helios - 07-03-2016

Thread Closed.