(11-09-2019, 03:26 PM)SeungPyo Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.(11-08-2019, 03:28 PM)Snuwfer Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view....................... hey
you're not the real dramatic
ok bye
i go
o real snuwfer haha how are you been bro? i heard amazon was challenger in league never talked to him after gunz and also Shot moved to dota 2 or something after couldn't get in contact with him either.
i still talk to genre and rain thats about it. i wanted to just catch up with old people and see how they are doing lol. I met Alan and Gosu in ***** but i never heard about people like mishots,nicene and those people. Wanted to see anyone still play from that era that I know
gosu steam: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. but he's inactive and busy w/ college life, he gets on like once or twice a month
mishots mia and nicene is mia, dk is also mia ... mishots the man with the eyes that look in different directions o_O
SNSDxTiffany is Rein TV and hes overclocking 24/7 lmao (pretty much the entire clan that he plays with also cheat)
musa plays UGG actively but he won't participate in competitive gameplay because so many players cheat, his ign is TaylorSwift and he's back in Korea again
amazon is a coke head now, idk if he even games still
shot fell off the face of the earth after Toveri tournament back in ijji, nobody knows where that guy went
if you're gonna play gunz, play it for the nostalgia bro, there's not any fun to be had in competitive / clan wars / tournaments anymore, because there's way too many people cheating now a days.
this is the type of stuff you need to deal with if you're gonna play clan wars or whatever in GunZ 2019 You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.
if you're really the i go smoku king then send me a private message with ur discord information or steam link and i'll add you, i wanna figure out if it's really you or not.