06-09-2020, 06:14 AM (This post was last modified: 06-09-2020, 06:17 AM by abuchaibe4.)
not to mention those brs keeps ddosing us all ***** day, they ddosed me and my team like 6 times i cant even count because yestterday was the same *****, they wanna blame me like a complot with their stupid logic, they clearly say f11 and obs in chat and they just think im that retarded like them to ddos MY OWN TEAM in middle of the game and blame them LOL XD, dude, wtfk... if im getting banned or not, im pretty sure i wont have the opportunity to defend myself and debate, just because a few retards upload a replay in which they ddos someone of my team while im afk talking or waiting 15 mins to play some cw, cmon bro you can do better, plus like NewDivine said, they always joking about it in whisper, they ALL say that they do it on purpose, that Pls needs money, that they are in teamspeak with Pls and we never stop finding ppl that says they are their friend = the reason why they dont care, they say ALWAYS "you dont like it huh? haha"... stop complaining cause i learnt last time and im not stupid to fall into that inconsistencies that i have already dismantled before.