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Advertiser Applications

The staff team is looking around for new Advertisers. So, we decided to make an application thread in order to hire new staff members.
In order to get you application read by us, you must reply on this thread following this format:


Country and Timezone:
Why I'd like to be an advertiser:
Why do I deserve a chance:
Do you know any staff member who would vote for you? Explain why:

  • At least 6 hours/day of availability.
  • Not a Staff Member in other servers.
  • Speak at least two languages.

We won't hire anyone who can't be really active everyday, this is a point you must to bear in mind if you're willing to join us.
There will be a reward per month for the advertiser who most advertised. (DONATOR)

Please note that any troll/unwanted comments will be removed. 
You can post only replies that RELATED to this thread.
@Helios and I will be choosing the new Advertisers.
Deadline: January 09, 2017(09/01/2017)

Good luck!


A Staff team está procurando novos advertisers. Então, nós decidimos fazer um segmento de aplicação, a fim de contratar novos membros da staff.
Para sua aplicação seja lida por nós, você deve responder neste tópico seguindo este formato:

País e fuso horário:
Por que eu gostaria de ser um anunciante:
Por que eu mereço uma chance:
Você conhece algum staff que votaria em você? Explique por quê:


Pelo menos 6 horas / dia de disponibilidade.
Não é membro da equipe em outros servidores.
Fale pelo menos duas línguas.

Nós não vamos contratar alguém que não pode ser realmente ativo todos os dias, este é um ponto que você deve ter em mente se você está disposto a se juntar a nós.
  Haverá uma prêmio por mês para o advertiser que mais anunciou. (DONATOR)

Por favor note que qualquer troll / comentários não desejados serão removidos.
Você pode postar somente as respostas RELACIONADAS a esse tópico.

@Helios e eu estaremos escolhendo os novos anunciantes.

Prazo de entrega: 09/01/2017

Boa Sorte!
Ex GM & Head Advertiser (2016-2017) ,  Ex Forum Moderator (2019)
Thanks given by:
Country and Timezone:Belgium +1gtm
Age:19years old
Why I'd like to be an advertiser:i simple like it, to make servers bigger, you knoz i can do the work
Why do I deserve a chance:previous time, you guys saw to, i bring alot players,but my daddy past away in that time. and i was getting verry inactive by that
Do you know any staff member who would vote for you? Explain:  im not sure
[Image: X1C4GEv.png]
Credits to: Cursor
Thanks for the awesome signature <3
Thanks given by:
Name: Lars

Country and Timezone: CET +1 - Netherlands

Age: 19 and 4 months

Why I'd like to be an advertiser: i like to be an advvertiser because i want more people to play where i come from because therearent to many people from europa who play this and i wanna see somw regiona tournys coming so we need muh more euw people.

Why do I deserve a chance: because i can bring in some euw players

Do you know any staff member who would vote for you? Explain why: @shon and @helios
Thanks given by:
Nome: Heldão
País e fuso horário: Brasil
Idade: 19
Por que eu gostaria de ser um anunciante: Porque nois é foda!
Por que eu mereço uma chance: Sempre mereci
Você conhece algum staff que votaria em você? Explique por quê: A tropa toda me ama!

Thanks given by: Manuel
Name: Sunju 
Country and Timezone: Brazil
Age: 17 years 
Why I'd like to be an advertiser: I have practice in divulging games, I can bring more players with effort and help from friends too.
Why do I deserve a chance: I deserve a chance because I'm a hard worker and I can make the game grow
Do you know any staff member who would vote for you? Explain why: @Trevas, He knows I'm a great promoter.
Thanks given by:
Name: ReallSteell
Country and Timezone: Israel
Age: 16 this week will be 17
:Why I'd like to be an advertiser: Because I can bring a lot of children and explained a little what to do if I would be helpful, then I would be helpful if I knew more.
Why do I deserve a chance: I hope that will be helpful to me because I understand it also brought some 5-6 kids play it if I could I would be helping to bring more and do more things gaming goodies.
Do you know any staff member who would vote for you? Explain why:Shon/BoboGrind/Jan its that same acc and I hope he will chose me because I friend Israel
So Thank you if you chose me GM and Good luck! Smile
Thanks given by:
name : traan
age: 19
country : england
i would like to become a advertiser to make gunz grow and a lovely place for people to stay in and plus i like helping new players also players in need i have 10 years of gunz experience also and very importantly i am a very loved player.
i speak multiple of  languages japanese /english / arabic / spanish ( not fluently) al brasil (not fluently but know a bit).
any staff embers would vote for me ? hmm not sure, but am active 24 gunz is my life ^^ thank you ty ty
Thanks given by: Dean , Rezia
Boa Noite! 
Meu Nome é
: Willian Rafael / Nick Game: Flash/Shaman
País e fuso horário: Brasil.
Idade: 18 Anos.
Por que eu gostaria de ser um anunciante: Porque? gosto muito desse jogo e quero que ele seje mundialmente conhecido assim como league of legends entre outros.
Por que eu mereço uma chance: Sou dedicado, Educado e muito paciente, sei trabalhar em dupla e sou bem amigável.
Você conhece algum staff que votaria em você? Explique por quê: @Trevas, @Fenn, @Flatina, @Dvx @Ouro. Por quê? Sabem que quando o assunto é sobre publicidade é comigo mesmo!.

Linguagens: PT-BR Fluente / Español Fluente / Inglês Cursando.
Disponibilidade: 8 Horas.
Thanks given by:
Name:  phantom
Country and Timezone: israel 
  Why I'd like to be an advertiser: because i think this game deserves to grow more , but it needs the right advertising 
Why do I deserve a chance: because im professional at those things, and i have alot of ideas and ways on how to bring people and attract their attention,  its not just about linking them the website, its more than that, and i know how to do it, i have the time to talk to people about the game and showing them alot of stuff before linking them, and maybe give them a tutorial,    because linking to someone new gunz,, he would not understand it and he will be bored easiy,know how to talk to people about it ina way they wud love to play and be excited about it . its all pshycological. 
Do you know any staff member who would vote for you? Explain why: not sure.. 

oh and i speak lil bit portugeese, 
english hebrew arabic

edit: tran is 15 not 19
Thanks given by:
Name: Wilder

Age: 17

Country and TimeZone: Venezuela GMT+4:30

Why I'd like to be an advertiser: I just love it to keep me busy in GunZ, I want to see the server back and ill expand at 100%. I would like to help this community, I can host some events for ours users, to make it fun the server.

Why do I deserve a chance: I've been friendly, I am active on the server. I have experiencies on it... And because no theres staff from Venezuela and I know almost whole of those players from my country.

Do you know any staff member who would vote for you? Explain why: Nope, im just applying for myself.

  • At least 6 hours/day of availability: Yesh, I can stay 6 hour online in the server and forum.
  • Not a Staff Member in other servers: Nope, im not staff in another server
  • Speak at least two languages: Yes, I can speak english and my natal language Spanish... Learning portugues by myself, and my brs friends, I've playing with them (BRS) 24/7.
Thanks given by:

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