that's proof in my first post that he's playing with a CPU speed under stock settings which would be impossible to happen automatically.
CPUs do NOT power save with an "H" sku intel motherboard, and CPUs do NOT power save while under load (streaming, playing gunz)
and yes 1stjosh, I am the snuwfer from ijji, the real one

I know you remember Rein from back in the day when he was Joeys pet, my pet, everyones pet under the name SNSDxTiffany
Joey was SNSDxJessica, and SNSDxYoona IS NOT Rein either, that was iaintagirl
I mean for crying out loud, his old banned twitch is literally named
why go through and say you're not SNSDxTiffany when there's so much that adds up?
Even your old youtube has tiff in it LOL
![[Image: jGpGjLV.gif]](