Dear community,
The staff team is looking around for NEW Skilled Game Masters. So, we decided to make a GM Application thread in order to hire new staff members.
In order to get you application read by us, you must reply on this thread following this format:
Why I'd like to be GM:
How I wish to help:
Why do I deserve a chance:
- Availability by the late morning and afternoon according to You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view..
- Speak at least two languages.
- Willing to teach new members how to play on our server.
- Must know late-dash, Blink dash, K-Style, Wall maneuvers etc..
We need active people to support our community in game and on forums. The minimum availability time required is 5 hours a day. We won't hire anyone who can't be really active everyday, this is a point you must to bear in mind if you're willing to join us.
The GM grade responsibilities are: Ingame Support, You will not be able to Host Events etc.. Your grade is for teaching/providing a warm welcome to the community. By supporting you must understand that you will agree with giving a hand to our community in game as well as on forums, what means that you must be active on forums too.
Name: Cristofer
Country: Venezuela
Why I'd like to be GM:
Because universe gunz is the best gunz there is and I would like to help a lot
How I wish to help:
Could help by making designs are advertising or for the server would help in what they send me
Why do I deserve a chance:
I would very much like to be part of the staff team 
Name: Rodrigo / Krustty in-game
Country: Brazil
Why I'd like to be GM: Because I'm always online on forum and in game, I know how to help everyone on skype, ingame and at forum.
How I wish to help: I'd like to help everyone on forum, ingame and answer tickets too. I can speak 2 languages, Portuguese and English. I love dedicate my time with this server helping everyone.
Why do I deserve a chance: Because I wanna be part of this community and help everyone, I play gunz for a long time and I know how to help everyone, i know some things about our server and I'm always online / active on forum.
Thread @Edited
@Helios @Fenn
Nombre: Ismael
País: Argentina
¿Por qué me gustaría ser GM: Me gusta mucho Gunz y Quiero Que SALGA adelante
Cómo me gustaría ayudar: Ayudar en Todo Lo Que Me Pidan y un respondedor de los Usuarios Que Tengan Problemas
¿Por qué me merezco una oportunidad: Juego Mucho al gunz soy muy activo en la tarde y noche ( Sabados y domingo estoy activo todo el dia ) y del hablo Español y (INGLES) portugues lo entiendo poco de las Naciones Unidas (casi 3 idiomas)
Nome: Ismael
País: Argentina Por que eu quero ser GM: Eu amo Gunz e quero ir em frente Como eu gostaria de ajudar: Ajuda na All That I Ask e um transponder Os usuários que têm problemas Por que eu mereço uma chance: jogar um monte de gunz Eu sou muito ativa no período da tarde e à noite (sábado e domingo eu sou ativo durante todo o dia) e falam espanhol e (INGLÊS) Português entende pouco da Organização das Nações Unidas (quase 3 idiomas )
Name: Ismael
Country : Argentina
Why I Want to Be GM: I Love Gunz and I Want to Go Forward
How I would like to help: Help on All That I Ask and a transponder Users who have problems
Why I deserve a chance: throw a lot of gunz I am very active in the afternoon and evening (Saturday and Sunday I am active all day) and speak Spanish and (ENGLISH) Portuguese understands little of the United Nations (Almost 3 languages)
Nome: Breno
País: Brasil
Por que gostaria de ser GM: Eu gostaria de ser GM porque sou muito ativo no fórum e no jogo. Eu gosto de ajudar todo mundo com suporte no Skype, Team Viewer e no jogo.
Como eu posso ajudar: Eu posso falar duas línguas sendo, Português e Inglês. Eu sempre dedico meu tempo para ajudar à todos e dou o meu melhor para o servidor. Eu jogo desde 2008 e eu sei muitas coisas do jogo.
Por que eu mereço uma chance: Porque eu quero fazer parte dessa comunidade e ajudar à todos.
Name: Breno
Country: Brazil
Why I'd like to be GM: I wanna be a game master because I'm very active on forum / ingame. I like to help everybody with support on skype/team viewer and in game.
How I wish to help: I speak 2 languages, Portuguese and English. I always dedicate my time to help everyone and giving my best to this server. I play UGG since 2008 and I know a lot of things about this game.
Why do I deserve a chance: Because I wanna be part of this community and help everyone.

Nombre: Hernán
País: Perú
Por qué me gustaría ser GM: Me gustaria ser GM, porque soy muy activo en el juego y en el forum, puedo ayudar a los usuario por Skype y sobre todo en el juego.
Cómo deseo ayudar: Deseo ayudar dando ayuda a los usuarios, resolver todas sus dudas y problemas que se les presente, tanto en el forum y como en el juego.
¿Por qué me merezco una oportunidad: Yo siempre intento dar lo mejor de mi, intento agradar a la gente, que se sientan a gusto. Intento ayudar siempre que puedo, escuchando y preocupándome por sus problemas, y si puedo, buscando soluciones.
Nome: Hernán
País: Peru
Por isso eu gostaria de ser um GM: Eu gostaria de ser GM, porque eu sou muito ativo no jogo e no fórum, posso ajudar o usuário no Skype e acima de tudo no jogo.
Como gostaria de ajudar: quero ajudar dando ajuda aos usuários, resolver suas dúvidas e problemas que surgem a partir deles, tanto no fórum e como no jogo.
Por que me merece uma oportunidade: Eu sempre tento dar o melhor de mim, tentar agradar as pessoas, fazendo-lhes sentir à vontade. Eu tento ajudar sempre que posso, ouvindo e se preocupar com seus problemas, e se eu puder, procurando soluções.
Name: Hernán
Country: Peru
Why I would like to be GM: I would like to be GM, because I am very active in the game and in the forum, I can help users by Skype and especially in the game.
How I want to help: I want to help by giving help to the users, to solve all their doubts and problems that are presented to them, both in the forum and in the game.
Why I deserve an opportunity: I always try to give the best of me, attempt to please the people, making them feelat ease. I try to help whenever I can, listening to and worrying about their problems,and if I can, looking for solutions.
Name: Lucas
Country: Brazil
Why I'd like to be GM: Because I would like to help the server with my knowledge and be able to join this team again.
How I wish to help: Doing as much as possible of me inside the forum or inside the game itself, helping the players with any doubts they have even teach to post within the forum something that some players do not know.
Why do I deserve a chance: I would welcome this opportunity to correct some mistakes I made, and to be able to become better at the things I do, I would love to join the team.
I have almost 24 hours a day available to stay inside the game and in the forum giving help and doing my duties as a GM!
Hello everyone, today I will be applying for the Game Master vacancy.
Name: Gustavo Lima
Country: Brazil
Why I’d like to be GM: I would like to help the team and the players themselves with their daily issues related to the server. I know I have the capacity for this type of occupation, I take this very seriously!!
How I wish to help: It would help with support, checking for problems and hosting events.
Why do I deserve a chance: I was an advertiser here but I've never become a game master, I just want an opportunity to show what I'm really capable of doing.
I have all the requirements requested by the Team.
Thanks in advance.
Nome: Binho
Char: s1mple, Classic, Zizzy... entre outros
Pais: Brasil
Por que gostaria de ser GM: Eu gostaria de ser GM porque sou justo, sei interagir com players, ja fui staff de varios gunz.
Como eu posso ajudar: Falo basicamente 3 linguas, Português, Inglês e espanhõl. Eu sempre estou ali jogando gunz e interagindo com players tento ajudar à todos e dou o meu melhor para o servidor. Eu jogo desde 2008, jogava nas versões do Royal Gunz, Euro Gunz e agora Universe e eu sei muitas coisas do jogo.
Por que eu mereço uma chance: Porque eu quero fazer parte dessa comunidade e ajudar à todos e mais importante ajudar o serve a crescer e voltar o antigo Euro Gunz.
Name: Binho
Char: s1mple, Classic, Zizzy ... among others
Country: Brazil
Why I would like to be GM: I would like to be GM because I am fair, I know how to interact with players, I have been a staff of several gunz.
How can I help: I speak basically 3 languages, Portuguese, English and Spanish. I'm always there playing gunz and interacting with players I try to help everyone and I give my best to the server. I play since 2008, I played in the versions of Royal Gunz, Euro Gunz and now Universe and I know many things in the game.
Why I deserve a chance: Because I want to be part of this community and help everyone and more importantly help the serves to grow and return the old Euro Gunz.
Name: Michel / Michou
Country: USA
Why I'd like to be GM: I believe I can be a good fit for the spot, not to mention I been playing Gunz since iGunz first opened by MAIET. Over 10 years experience on this game. That's before anyone knew how to "K-Style" or any moves that many players do today. I know every corner of this game in and outs and I'm proud to be part of this great server since 2010. I basically grew up playing Gunz.
How I wish to help: I'm very helpful and I have the patience and attitude, I'm very kind and get along very well with others. I'm very mature and willing to help in any way giving on this server. I can help in many different ways support / events / Anything you guys like me to do. Im very handy with great ideas!
Why do I deserve a chance: I will give this my all, Im very trustworthy and the love I have for this game is infinite. The years and experience I have on this game and I'm pretty sure many of the people on this server already know me very well from my YouTube Videos that Iv made promoting this server! I will always make time to play this game!
ps: I speak Arabic / English fluently