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Full Version: Hello all! New player!
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Im matt, im 23 yrs old and ive had alot of time under my belt playing gunz. Ive played mocroguns, darkgunz, herogunz, daemonringsguns, qualitygunz, trinityguns, eagleguns, WTTguns, f*****uns, Ijji, they're all dead now ajja; and now UGG. I'm from america and i dont see alot of americans playing this server but i do REALLY enjoy ur server. Im here to stay and promote ur server. U have good players and im here to play and wreck butts XD! If ya guys wanna play with me just hmu ingame! My ign's on here are Valor, Warden, Orijjinal, Valiant, Slide im usually on during the mornings and sometimes afternoons. If u see me in game dont be shy and say hi! Im friendly and can deffinetely entertrain some like minded folks. Thanks for making this server REALLY well and put effort into it. Thanks all cya in game! Big Grin Heart
Welcome to the UGG community Matt!  Big Grin
Welcome to the community!
Welcome to UGG, Matt! You're just in luck, because I'm in America fam!
Welcome to UGG, Matt!! 

It is a pleasure to have you-
welcome to ^5UGG HAVE FUN Big Grin
Finally, one decent intro thread. I read it all for the first time '-'
Welcome, have fun!

Deleted ac

Herro and welcome!

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Welcome to our Comunity Matt!
Have fun and enjoy our server Big Grin!
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