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Lead Tournament
Ladies and gentlemen I welcome you to the first LEAD tournament hosted on UGG. The winning clan will get an amazing cash prize of 50 bucks!!! That means you can get a free pizza you and your pals! The prize list will be added soon but let me tell you this, this will be nothing like lead CW. We hope to see some oldgens returning and some REAL SKILL taking place. 

You may use the following items:
Pioneer and breaker 8 are the only sgs allowed
Devil Slayer
You may use 1 player with Revolvers in your team only rev allowed is Dynax8000
Level 30 med kits 5/5 ap/hp

Max HP is 135/135
You are not allowed to use any other items.
White Sets are also not allowed

If you use an item that’s not included in this list for one round I will ask you to change it once if you don’t you will be kicked from the room and you will not be allowed back in your team will not be allowed to substitute you for another player.

Gameplay rules:
  • This will be a single elimination tournament once you lose you are out
  • Camping is not allowed
  • This is a 4v4 Tournament
  • 10 min Rounds for 20 rounds in a map chosen by the hosting staff team from the map list below.
  • Any violation of ToS will result in a DQ
Map List:
  1. High Heaven
  2. Battle arena
  3. Town
  4. Factory
  5. Port
  6. Castle  
  7. Mansion
Sign up format:
Clan name:
Player1 (country)
Player2 (country)
Player3 (country)
Player 4 (country)
You may also add 1 substitute player.
Your not allowed to have twin character names 
If you use another player that’s not in your team sheet the whole clan will be disqualified.
Every clan must submit a complete team sheet  by: 4/11/2016
The tournament will start on 5/11/2016
If you enter a team that We think will not show up you will not get a spot
You are only allowed to be registered with one team.
Account sharing during this tournament is not allowed

a special thanks to Vini, who will be streaming for our fellow Brazilians his channel link is foundYou are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. Also Ajax will be streaming for EU's and NA's his link is right You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. Also a special thanks to Quick (Target), Gian for helping me out set this tournament up!

This is the sign up thread, I will post the bracket soon. 
Need Help?
Add me at discord PlsUniverseGunZ#6030
I possibly take a long time to answer but I always try to answer everyone and help.
Thanks given by: Mashira , Killbabe , Viruz , Flash , Proxy
Damas y Caballeros,

Les damos la bienvenida al primer torneo de LEAD que se realizará en UGG.
El clan ganador recibirá el increíble premio de 50$!!!! Eso significa que puedes tener una pizza gratis para ti y tus amigos!
La lista de premios se agregará pronto pero déjenme decirles esto: No será un torneo de lead cualquiera.
Esperamos ver algunos jugadores antiguos (oldgens) regresar y esperamos ver verdaderas habilidades en los juegos.

Deberán usar los siguientes items:

- Pionner y Breaker 8 son las únicas escopetas permitidas.
- Devil Slayer
- Podrás tener solo 1 jugador que use pistolas. La unica pistola permitida es Dynax8000
- Meds lvl. 30 5/5
- Weight Rings (2 de ellas)
- El máximo hp y ap que se permitirá es de 135/135

*Nadie estará permitido de usar algún otro item.

Si usas un item que no esta en la lista mencionada por 1 round, te pediré que te lo cambies una vez, si no lo haces, serás
kickeado de la sala y no se te permitirá volver a entrar y tu team tampoco podrá llamar a un substituto.

Reglas de juego:

- Será un torneo de una sola eliminación, eso quiere decir que una vez que pierdas, estarás fuera.
- No esta permitido campear
- Será un torneo de 4v4
- 10 minutos por 10 rounds en un mapa que será elegido por el staff.
- Cualquier violacion de los Term of Use (ToS) resultara en descalificación.

Lista de mapas a elegir por el staff:

1) High Heaven
2) Battle Arena
3) Town
4) Factory
5) Port
6) Castle
7) Mansion

Formato para registrarse:

Nombre del clan:

Jugador 1 : (país) 
Jugador 2 : (país)
Jugador 3 : (País)
Jugador 4 : (país)

Podrán también agregar 1 jugador de reemplazo.

Si el clan registrado usa un miembro que no esta en la lista, será inmediatamente descalificado. Cabe resaltar
que también se hará un seguimiento de IP. Es decir, verificaremos que las cuentas usadas sean realmente los propietarios
y que no sean personas que están usando cuentas que no son de ellas.
Todos los clanes deberán registrados antes del 3/11/16.
El torneo comenzará el 4/11/16.

Darle especialmente las gracias a Vini, quien estará stremeando para nuestros miembros de Brazil. Su canal podrán encontrarlo aquí.
También a Ajax, quien stremeará para nuestros usuarios de Europa y Norte América.
También muchas gracias a Quick y Gian por ayudarme a armar y poder hostear este torneo!.

** Este post es el post para que se puedan registrar tal y como dije mas atrás (con el formato indicado)**

Staff Team.
Need Help?
Add me at discord PlsUniverseGunZ#6030
I possibly take a long time to answer but I always try to answer everyone and help.
Thanks given by: Mashira , Flash
Well, i will be the first one registering a team and it will help others to see how it's the correct format.

Clan Name : 7xHERO

Player 1 ) [7x]Solid (Peru)

Player 2 ) [7x]Aloy (Peru)

Player 3 ) [7x]Anarchy (Peru)

Player 4) [7x]Ramna (Peru)

Sub Player : [7x]Gekyu
Thanks given by:
Clan Name : Kumisucu

Player 1 - Marujo (Brasil)
Player 2 - Oxy      (Brasil)
Player 3 - Vulgar   (Brasil)
Player 4 - Agnis     (Brasil)

Sub Player : Lamia (Brasil)
Thanks given by: EDM , Vulgar , Ouro
Clan Name : MomentuM

Player 1 ) AngelKorean (Netherlands)

Player 2 ) Regret (Netherlands)

Player 3 ) 1stJoshiru (United Kingdom)

Player 4) Clay (Italy) 

Sub Player : Toed (Canada)
Thanks given by: Spear , Mashira , Ouro , Sol
CLAN: Hide

Player1: Halloween  ( Venezuela )
Player2: Loled         ( Venezuela )
Player3: Lameme    ( Venezuela )
Player4: [AK]Sentinel   ( Venezuela )

Sub Player: Tsumugi ( Venezuela )
Thanks given by:
Player1: IDK (Brasil)
Player2: Aimbot (Brasil)
Player3: Choi (Brasil)
Player4: Vitin (Brasil)
[Image: 24Vzp7.jpg][

[Image: b6engy.png]
Thanks given by: Spear
(10-23-2016, 10:46 PM)God-Banana Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Vai chover peruano

KKKKKKKKKKKKK MDS Banana,cria logo seu time.
[Image: z5cgxBx.gif]
Thanks given by:
CLAN: Legion

Player1: Warpinator ( Peru )
Player2: Heisuke (Peru)
Player3: Esara (Peru)
Player4: KingPysko ( Peru )

Sub Player: Arch ( Israel )
                                            [Image: tumblr_o2vpaqepBi1rvc53oo5_500.gif]  
                                                                                 --> I am going to kill you okay <--
Thanks given by: Pls
i have a question regarding the '1 player using revolver' bit, can u change it to 1 player using 1 rocket? considering the high ping people will have to each other i'd say a rocket is more useful.
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